3D Printing the future with Volumetric 3D Printing Video

Watch Video Maybe you’re asking “What’s the deal with the still images? Didn’t Joe record the video.” Well, of course I recorded the video. But when you yank out the SD card before the camera is done writing the video file to it, well, it’s like I didn’t record any video. Fortunately, my son was a sport about it, so …

#LowPolyDinos Kickstarter Post-Mortem

A bit about this post. Some of it was written immediately after the Low Poly Dino kickstarter. But I decided not to release it then, waiting until I was ready to start again. It sat for a year before I went back to review and edit it a little in preparation for my second 3D modeling kickstarter. So this is …

How to make a full color 3D illusion with Blender 2.8 video

Watch Video This video is, admittedly, left over footage that I cut from the illusion box video I put out a few weeks back. At the time I felt it made the video drag, and interrupted the pace of what was a rather punchy video. But I still thought people might like to know the technique. UV editing and texture …

8 things you’ll see in future 3D printers video

Watch Video “Cartesian XY”. One of my most common slip of the tongues is calling “Cartesian XY” 3D printers “Core XY” which isn’t correct. Technically Core XY is a subset of Cartesian XY systems. CoreXY is when the motors for X and Y movement are stationary and the X and Y movement is driven by a belt that loops around …

Illusion Box Project Video

Watch Video Functional and fun to look at. This has always been my mantra in designing for 3D printing since the beginning. Adding artistic elements to functional prints, like making desk card holder that has the last supper on it. But with the Davinci Color I feel like my opportunities for adding artistic elements to simple prints has skyrocketed. How …

3D Printed Smoking Low Poly Dino Volcano

Watch Video The quality of this video may seem all over the place. I guess the lesson here is “what a difference a year makes.” Nothing makes the changes the Low Poly Dino kickstarter has had on my videos as pronounced as a video with footage shoot on the old camera, my still current camera phone, the camera built into …

Making my own 3D Printed Surprise Eggs Video

Watch the video You can download my surprise egg shell here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3538929 This is the first video recorded with my brand new camera rig. I hope the difference is noticeable. That said, if no one says anything, is that a success? With the AstroPrint egg, one problem I foresaw is that it couldn’t scale up. If you scaled it up, …

Midwest Reprap Festival Day 2 #MRRF2019

You may be wondering why I didn’t post this at the end of Day 2 of the Midwest Reprap Festival, like I did the last MRRF post. There are a couple of good reasons. First of all, day 2 of MRRF doesn’t end until midnight. Then, when it finally did end, I had a couple of hours of sleep and …

Best 3D Printing April Fools

When you’re a dad like me, every day is April Fool’s day. Still, I should have prepared something for this day. Fortunately, many others already have, so I’ll just share theirs with you. XYZPrinting is creating 100% Gold Filament Josef Prusa is Josef Prusa’s Josef Prusa Josef Prusa Allie Webber has named today 100$ appropriately Elijah Horland comes out as …