Watch on YouTube I admit I’m still working with my green screen. I wanted to change the angle, and I made it wider, but now lighting is a problem. Or I may try the proper green screen that I used on Monday’s stream. Oh yeah, if you missed that, you should check it out. Review You’re doing great and should …
Zortrax M200 – Accuracy, Reliability, Rage
Watch on Youtube Back in the shed again. Kind of. A little. I’ve been cleaning the space up, but I haven’t had the time or resources to attack it properly so it’s far from the vision I have for the ultimate making set. But it’s better than it was. And now that the weather has gone from “sweltering” to just …
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Modeling for 3D Printing in Blender 2.8 Part 3 – Rotation and Scale
Watch on YouTube Introduction By now you should be comfortable with moving objects in the 3D space and should have learned how to move objects without concern for the view by constraining the movement while moving. You can do this with keyboard shortcuts or with the gimbals provided by Blender 2.8. Just remember that following along and doing while you …
Creality Ender 5 Five Minute Review
Watch on YouTube The Ender 5, as I said, is a good printer and could actually be recommended by me. However, I can’t ever recommend every printer in every case. I feel like I need to qualify my recommendations for specific cases. The Ender 5 is great if you don’t have a big budget, but wants a little bigger build …
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Using Blender to Model for 3D printing Part 2 – Moving Objects
Watch on YouTube Yup, this is still kind of just an outline right now. Finding time to flesh it out has been, difficult. But consider this a preview for another book. Intro Learning to navigate the view is perhaps the most important skill for making three dimensional models with 2 dimensional tools. So I hope you’ve taken the opportunity to …
Sneak Peek at my Magnum Opus – World of Chibimals Video
Watch on YouTube As I continue to work on the world of Chibimals, a story has developed. The basic outline so far is: Piggy finds a MacGuffin, maybe a 3D model in parts so I can release one part at a time as the story progresses, that leads him to a new area, where he gathers a friend and goes …
The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Modeling for 3D Printing in Blender 2.8
Watch on YouTube Note: As I was writing this up, I quickly realized this would be my new book project. So, over the coming days, I’ll be finishing this and eventually putting it together as a book. Which is a long way of saying excuse the incompleteness of this work right now. Introduction If you are into 3D printing, there …
Genmitsu CNC Router From SaingSmart Review in 5 minutes
Watch on Youtube I hope I don’t come off as bagging on CNC in this video. That wasn’t my intent. CNC is an amazing technology that 3D printing owes a lot to. However, the necessity of a slicer solved a lot of the problems CNC routing had, in that you had to design with the end in mind. There’s a …
Modeling a Spider on Monday Modeling Twitch Live Stream
Watch on This morning’s Monday Modeling livestream was the most successful I’ve had, from a scheduling, technical, and modeling perspective. It started on time, ran through my home network and the sound didn’t cut out or anything (there was a small hiccup with the connection at the start, but that seemed to get straightened out after a minute), and …
3D Scanning with the $600 Sol Scanner from Scan Dimensions
Watch on YouTube This is why I have to get out more. You only meet cool people like the ones at scan dimensions when you get out of the house. Remember, if I don’t say “I recommend it”, I’m probably being nice, but I don’t think you should have one. Not so with the Sol Scanner. This scanner I can …