Bot Blitz – Crop Circle Video

Watch on YouTube Download the Game This is technically the second game in the Bot Blitz series, but it was actually the one that was fully developed first. However, because of the component of using LEDs, and the discussion that went along with that, I wanted it to go first. This video, I hope, will launch what will eventually be …

Five 3D designers you should know video

Watch on YouTube This video was lessĀ  a “top 5” (or 6, or 7) and more of the 5 designers I’ve been thinking of right now, at this moment, but give me a second and I’ll think of more. Because, yeah, there’s more than just Loubie3d, M3DM (and her kickstarter, check it out), Ill Gotten Games, PLAKit, Fab365, and Wekster. …

Modeling Monday Livestream – Cat modeling

Watch the replay on Youtube My last livestream didn’t go well. I thought I was overloading my internet, but it turns out I was overloading my computer. Once you have a dozen chibimals in one Blender file it tends to bog things down, even when you’re not trying to encode and upload in real time a 1080 screen. This prompted …

Advanced Color Modeling with Tinkercad for Da Vinci Color Video

Watch on YouTube As I was uploading this video and choosing which playlist it goes into, I realized this was the first tutorial video I’ve made in 2019. If I’m gonna keep calling myself the professor, I’d better fix that. I’m kinda impressed with myself. June’s been super busy. Even while running Chibimals, I’ve managed more than one video a …

Filament of the Month Club is going out with a Bang

To everyone who backed the Filament of the Month Club, I want to thank you for your support. I didn’t escape the notice of many people that May’s shipment of Filablend never arrived in May. Rest assured, I noticed this as well and have been working with my fulfillment to figure out what happened. Fortunately, we found them. Basically, they …

36 Makers and YouTubers you should be following video

Watch on YouTube How many shout outs is too many for one video? I think we can firmly establish the answer as being somewhere between 2 and 35. I literally could do one a day for a whole month and not have enough time! Of course some of them were on the list, not because they needed the exposure, but …

What is Chibi Video

Watch the Video on YouTube Super Late getting this write up out there. Not super late typing it up. In fact this video was supposed to go out on Friday last week. But sometimes plans change. And along with that, I forget to hit send on the blog post when I made the video public. Que sara sara. I don’t …

Tinkercad Basics video and Chibimals Accessories Update

Watch Video On YouTube This is another video for my Makerspace Channel, a video about getting started in TinkerCAD. This is another lecture that I’ve given an number of times and I just recorded it to save me time in the future. Funny thing, my SVG video I used earlier today for the same reason. Someone was coming in asking …