Children’s Hospital Christmas Tree 2019

Watch on YouTube The Festival of Trees in Utah will be December 4th through 7th, and just like last year, I plan to enter a tree. But this time for real. If you’d like to get an ornaments on the tree for the Children’s Hospital Festival of Trees, mail them to: 3D Printing Professor Joe Larson P.O. Box 689 Hurricane, UT …

Blender 2.8 Start Here – Edit Mode and Modifiers

Watch on YouTube So I guess I’m building up to this series helping you build a interlocking building bricks. Awesome. But we’ve got some lessons in between, but we will be it, as well as other videos about how to get your printer to print it. Honestly, there’s a lot to cover, and I’m going to ERRF next week, so …

Lego Take Down Fight Back Video

Watch on YouTube This is why I try to err on the side of being a nice guy. Because when I decide I’m going to fight I get really worked up. This video did not need to be nearly 20 minutes long. But once I saw this for what it is, bullying by Lego, I couldn’t just let it go. …

Blender 2.8 Start here Part 2 – View and Transform

Watch on YouTube This video serves as kind of a recap for the “Absolute Blender Beginner” videos, so that the next one can be for absolute beginners or those a little more experienced. I wanted two points of entry. A video that holds your hand, and a video that gets you up and running a little easier. Like a choose …

LEGO® attacking makers – DCMA Take Down on Thingiverse

Watch on YouTube LEGO is using DCMA to take down listings on Thingiverse based on their products. But, they made LEGO, so shouldn’t they have the right to do that? I mean, technically they don’t have copyright, because you can’t copyright a simple shape, and as of 2010 they no longer have patent. I guess they still have Trademark, and …

Blender 2.8 Start Here – Part 1 Setup Video

Watch on YouTube I can’t tell you how good it feels to finally have Blender setup. I feel like the Absolute Beginner’s Guide to 3D Modeling in Blender 2.8 has had me working with one hand behind my back. Now that Blender all setup, especially my choice of plugins, I am ready to work at full power. Huge thanks to …

Edge of Tech Community Showcase with ProjectFDL… and ME!

Watch on YouTube Jim from the Edge of Tech invited me for a live stream last Monday to chat with him and Jackie and Jesse from ProjectFDL. They’re doing amazing things using 3D printing for manufacturing for toys and finishing with hydro dipping. I came away from it inspired and maybe you will too.

Zortrax M200 – Accuracy, Reliability, Rage

Watch on Youtube Back in the shed again. Kind of. A little. I’ve been cleaning the space up, but I haven’t had the time or resources to attack it properly so it’s far from the vision I have for the ultimate making set. But it’s better than it was. And now that the weather has gone from “sweltering” to just …