Buy in the store The Chibimal Farm Pack is finally finished. When I started working on this farm pack I thought it would be simple. A few set pieces, a few more Chibimals, throw in the ones from the Kickstart that match, and wham-bam, I’ve got a new product in the store. But I could not have more wrong about …
3D printers on a curve and unboxing the LK4 Video
Watch on YouTube I figure around this time of year a lot of people are wondering why 3D printers cost what they do. And, true to my nature, instead of answering why, I’ll just talk to you about why it’s a difficult question to answer. Of course the question of “which 3D printer should I buy” is also complicated without …
Is 3D Printing Cool? Video / COPPA fall out
Watch on YouTube “The 3D Printing Professor is not available right now. If you would like to leave a message…” This video was made 2 years ago for a course for My Tech High. It was the intro video and I really enjoyed making it. I’ve thought off-and-on that I’d like to release it to the general public, but never …
I want you to steal my stuff video
Watch on YouTube Yet another thumbnail from the “just bung it together” school of thumbnail design. Do not look too close at the pixels. However, I did decide to credit the picture that I severely edited to make this. It’s something I haven’t always done in the past, I’ll be sure to do it more in the future. If I …
Is my channel for kids or not? Video
Watch on YouTube Well, this is a mess. And there’s gonna be some unintentional consequences to YouTube’s response to COPPA. Who is actually going to mark their videos as for kids? No comments, co community tab, no data collection, so probably no algorithm boost, info cards, screens, no save to watch later, no playlist, and most importantly no youtube revenue. …
I want you to 3D print Legos
Watch on Youtube Do not look to closely at this thumbnail. The photoshop is so bad. Hopefully it doesn’t look too bad when you click on it. I’m relying on the small size of thumbnails to cover up a multitude of sins. Before I started pushing and pulling pixels, the srouce images looked like this: That’s a Blender render of …
Cleaning 3D Printing VOCs from the air with the Enviroklenz
Watch on YouTube Apparently my previous video about 3D printing and VOCs got the attention of the people at Enviroklenz. I had thought, at the time, that VOCs were unfilterable. That’s the common knowledge at any rate. But apparently you can filter them if you just give them lots and lots of filter to have to go through. And the …
#Makevember Challenge Video
Watch on YouTube This morning I grabbed my phone and my external mic and recorded a video about the #Makevember challenge while I was walking around the grounds outside my work. However, before I could finish it, every shot kept getting interpreted by people in the park, and I had to cancel the recording. 2 takes later, I took it …
Modeling a Chibi pumpkin in Blender 2.8 Twitch highlight Video
Watch on YouTube I decided to make re-upload this morning’s live stream to YouTube so that hopefully more people will see that I’m on twitch on Monday mornings. Honestly, I’m super pleased with this stream overall. I could get the sound levels a little better, but I started and finished a model (mostly) in one stream, and even got to …
Blender 2.8 Start Here Part 4 – Edit Mode Commands
Watch on YouTube This video was recorded in one take… and I’m afraid it shows. Because had I been more prepared I would have pointed out the toolbar on the side where the loop cut, knife, bevel, and even extrude, among other basic tools. I have to admit, I’m not 100$ used to using the toolbar yet. But at this …