Finding a problem with PrintABlok at the worst time video

Watch on YouTube I said earlier that this project wouldn’t have been the same without Kickstarter. The incubation period has allowed for develoment of this idea to a high degree of maturity. And when I released the base blocks to the public, there was no doubt in my mind that they worked. I’d tried them on good printers, I tried …

PrintABlok Gattling Truck Build

Watch on YouTube The PrintABlok kickstarter is to the point where I would describe the time left as “hours”. Though, that number is more than 24, so maybe I’m jumping the gun. The Gatling Gun! Though, technically it’s not a Gatling gun, as those are antiquated and the modern equivalent is called “rotary gun”. There are actually some cool versions …

Using PrintABlok to Make a Mech Video

Watch on YouTube As PrintABlok enters it final days on kickstarter, and I look back on the progress it’s made these past 30 days, i am astonished at how far it’s come.  And a lot of that can be seen in the mech I used in the logo. It was one base block and a few accessories. And now at …

How to 3D Print Accurately by 3D Printing Legos

Watch on YouTube You can tell I’m really dedicated to this whole rivalry with Lego I’ve got going on. By the end of the video I’ve gotten so wrapped up in the lecture I forgot to bring it back around to the whole “We’re doing this to print Legos” thing. If you need to print accurately, here are the steps: …

Interview with the 3D Misprinter and Hacking PrintABlok with HackMonkey

Learn how to hack PrintABlok with Hackmonkey Watch the 3D Misprinter Interview on YouTube Watch the second part on the 3D Misprinter’s Channel Got a double feature for you today from content creators that are not me! First there’s HackMonkey’s excellent video about his work abusing his position as a beta editor to create his own custom PrintABloks, and he’ll …

PrintABlock:Mechs Week 1

Sign up for the mailing list Thanks to the generous support of over 200 backers, the PrintABlok Kickstarter has passed 5 stretch goals in it’s first week. That means backers will be receiving at least 55 new 3D printable models, designed for FFF 3D printing, that can be mixed and matched to make hundreds of robot models and mechs. And this is just …

PrintABlok continues with Articulated Bloks! Video

Watch on YouTube And join the kickstarter. I am so neck deep in modeling PrintABloks that I really don’t have anything else to add to this video. And that’s good, because as long as the kickstarter is doing well, I don’t have to try to figure out promotion, and that really stresses me out. I am worried this video came …

PrintABlok Kickstarter Video

Watch on YouTube …and turn on subtitles for some Easter eggs. 3 Days to the Kickstarter launch. Normally I bang out a video in a couple of hours.Depending on the complexity, I can produce about 10 minutes of medium quality video in 2 hours. This video, a little under 3 minutes long, took close to 8 hours at least. 2 …