Makers and Minecraft, Lessons from 2 episodes

Watch Episode 1 – Odd Jay Watch Episode 2 – Greg and Aaron from Xometry Watch Episode 2 Bonus Material If you’re not subscribed to my second channel you might be missing Makers and Minecraft, where I take people who have done incredible things and play an incredible game with them. So far I’ve done 2 episodes, and so far …

OK Xoomer Interview about Makerspaces, kickstarter, and Youtubing

Watch on YouTube If you’re not watching and subscribed to Xometry on YouTuibe, you should be. They’re doing some fun stuff, especially with this interview series. And of course this particular interview was of personal value to me. Because it was me. What topic intersts people the most? The Kickstarters, YouTubing, or building Makerspaces? I’d love to hear from you.

Making is a Super Power – Flashforge Creator max Unboxing

Watch on YouTube What was your “It’s dangerous to go alone, take this” moment? When did you realize you could make something and change the world? What is your maker origin story? Check out the Making Geeks podcast: Simple Bias Tape Maker tool: I know a lot of people during this unusual time who are frustrated that they’re …

$250 Mini 3D Printer! Weedo Tina 2 Monoprice Cadet review

Watch on YouTube If you want to use this 3D printer with Cura version 4.5, all you have to do is: Add a new non-networked Custom FFF 3D printer X: 100, Y:105, Z: 105, No heated bed or Volume. Change the Start G-Code to: ;(**** start.gcode for WEEDO TINA2****) M104 S150 G28 X Y; Home extruder G92 X100 Y0 G1 …

To Patent or Not To Patent? With Xometry Professional 3D Printing

Watch Video On YouTube PrintABlok isn’t the first thing I’ve made that people have told me I should patent, but it is the first thing that I seriously considered patenting it. Ultimately I had to weigh what I thought I would make, or more accurately what I would stand to lose, versus what it would cost to go through the …

Laughing through the Pandemic – PPEs with animal ears

Watch Video on YouTube So how am I weathering the end of the world? Pretty good actually. Where I live is being hit with just enough cases of COVID-19 to merit sending the kids home for the rest of the school year, but the local government is only suggesting we lock ourselves down. That means my employer has closed the …

What Makes a Maker? video

Watch on YouTube Tinker, hacker, maker, engineer. Where do you fit? I’ve made a consious decision not to adjust my content to include topics related to current events, pervasive as that may be for everyone.  It’s not that I don’t have anything to say about the current situation. But my instinct (bad instinct, as it may be) is when everyone …

Davinci Color March MadMess final review

Watch on YouTube No one can say i didn’t give this 3D printer a fair shake. I may have even given it more credit than it was due. I smiled through a review of a machine that I knew wasn’t as good as it should have been and ignored obvious flaws, all in an attempt to promote a technology that …

Is Makerbot stealing from FlashForge?

Watch on YouTube I managed to get through recording and editing and even uploading this video before I realized I didn’t explain that gag I did at the beginning where I put a fan with an air filter on it in front of the FlashForge and claim that I’ve doubled it’s value. See, the FlashForge Adventure 3 and the Makerbot …