So close…

Maybe I could call this the battle damaged version. When I printed the knights, snapped them on, and it actually stood I was stoked. Unfortunately I’m having trouble printing the new rooks. Fortunately I think I’ve come up with a solution. Unfortunately that means I’m going back to modeling for a bit. But hopefully this weekend will be it.


A while back I created a decoder ring that printed two interlocked rings simultaneously and I am proud to announce that IT WORKS! As usual there’s some refinement of the design that could happen but for the most part I’m excited that it worked so well. Unfortunately I’ve only printed one…

Printing Alot More

I’ve got a time lapse for you: If I do any more replicator or 3D printing videos it will probably be that youtube channel so subscribe if you’d like more. I don’t know if I have time to do very much of this sort of thing, but if I do it’ll be there. And here. I’m not reporting on every …

Dieing to Dye

Let me just make this a short one. Do your research first. That way you find the super helpful video that tells you what you need before you start. Let me sum up by saying I can confirm that dye alone does not color ABS plastic. Even if you let it soak all night long: And if it does the …

Action Chess Prototype

Do I have any regular readers? Well, if I did I imagine by now they’re asking “You’ve had the printer for over a week., where’s the chess set?” I’ve constantly been trying to print it between everything else and, unfortunatly, there’ve been hangups. The biggest hang up has been a new design for the knight that I’ve been trying. Well, …

Lionel Richie, how long did this print take?

…All night long. And then some. I kicked this off at 10:30 at night and it wasn’t finished until 8 the next day. 10 hour print. I knew this was going to be big, the biggest thing print I’ve made so far. And since I’m trying to stay away from modifying my settings more than necessary, big prints like this …

Tragedy strikes Joe’s Makerbot

So yesterday I left my makerbot running the next iteration of my clip for my android while I went to work. Unwise I know, but I need to make money. And generally it would be fine until 15 minutes before I got home at which point one of my children saw a big flashing button on Daddy’s cool make-stuff machine. …

The missing prints

In honor of Mother’s Day yesterday I let my Replicator rest and focused some attention on my wife. Love you, Honey. So no prints from yesterday to report. However, I did skip reporting on two prints from a couple days ago. So here’s that report. Don’t go getting your hopes up too much. I printed another set of pawns. This …

Wrapping up the first week.

Now that I’ve gained some confidence in my Replicator’s printing ability I had it running all day today. Unfortunately the attempts at making the last test pieces for my chess set ended in… …fail. But for some reason my elusive chess set was my only failures. Everything else worked out just fine. I’ve been iterating a design for a clip …