Not back to production yet

It’s been a busy weekend. I’ve been making adjustments trying to get my printer back to the quality it had before without sacrificing the speed it’s gained. So most of my prints have been in the interest of small prints that test the settings. A rattleback, a scaled down the toothpaste squeezer to finish my showdown, finished and uploaded my …

Hoo, look at the detail

Holy smokes that’s small. In the middle is a king from my meta chess set. That’s the only part I’ve printed because I wasn’t sure it was even going to work. What prompted me to try was that I found the magnetic travel chess set that my kids lost the king to ages ago. So I thought I printed the …

Steps to take if you are having trouble with the Replicator firmware 5.5

I am back to printing at an… acceptable print quality. There’s still some dialing in to do but for now I’m no longer failing miserably. Here’s what I did for anyone else who may have a similar problem: Under the “Model to GCode” dialog click “defaults” and click “Load Replicator Defaults”. Under “Plastic” make sure your Filament diameter is accurate. …

The toothpaste battle

I did this and typed it all up before the whole upgrade fiasco that I am still in the middle of. So let’s remember a happier time a week ago when my only worry was what toothpaste squeezer was best… The contenders: Starno’s tube squeezer (Top) Alany’s tube key (Left) PrintTo3D’s basic toothpaste extruder (Right) The results were surprising. Before …


I have to remind myself that the purpose of writing this blog is to give a candid idea of what it’s like to own a 3D printer. Well, it was pretty good for a while there, but now… Somehow things got worse in my attempt to make them better. So I try to restore ReplicatorG to it’s pre-tinkered with state, …

Well… it is faster

I printed this piece so I could have something to compare the new print quality versus the old print quality and I was surprised that the new print quality went to crap. It prints faster, sure, but what it prints is not as good as it used to be. So I’m going to put some details here and see if …

Which whistle?

The light-weight contender On thingiverse the whistle is one of the more famous designs as it was one of the first that was “shipped” overseas faster than it could have been by any other means. Some guy in Germany designed and printed a whistle, posted it on Thingiverse, and Bre in New York printed his own and the whole process …

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I wasn’t rockin Daft Punk until I was trying to come up with a clever title for this post. But now I am so feel free to hit play on this video (and skip the first 50 seconds to get to the cool part) as you read the rest of this news. I updated my Replicator to the latest firmware …

End of day report

The theme of the day was experimentation. True, most 3D printing is experimental at this point but today it was particularly true. Here’s a run down of what I printed. Finished a dual printed chess set. Hopefully next time I can do the whole batch in one go. 3 different toothpaste squeezers to find out which one was best. Report …

First manufacturing… 70% success

Silly me, I didn’t depress the camera’s button enough to actually take the picture of my first attempt at printing a full set. Pitty because it was glorious. Alternating rows of black and white pieces standing like little soldiers… except for the furthest right row. The row containing one pawn, rook, bishop, knight, and the king printed in black. In …