Hacking… er… Improving the start.gcode

Every time a print starts the first thing the makerbot does is lay down a blob of filament as an “anchor” point, then draws a line over to the print. Then it pauses while it calculates the next step, still extruding filament which makes another blob, then starts the print. So there’s this long string of filament you have to …

Two more items for sale

I’m not gonna lie here. I’m throwing product at the wall and seeing what sticks. So far I’ve sold 2 full chess sets and unfortunately development of the opponent set has been halted until I get my Windows 7 laptop back from the shop. So until then I think I’m gonna make a new Chessbot listing that is the full …

Oh the cleverness of me

I don’t mean to toot my own horn but every now and then I see something that I can claim to have started but that has spiraled beyond anything I imagined. Take for instance the fact that every time someone posts a picture of their printed version of the Chessbot it’s awesome. It’s crushing its foes, or wielding a paper …

Spot the mistake

Can you see what’s wrong in this picture? If you said “those spindle arms are way too long” you’re right! They are so long, in fact, that they bump into things on the back of the replicator and don’t spin Friggin all day print and I wasted so much time printing those parts too long. So did I reprint new …

New listing on my etsy store

In case it was too subtle in my last post: BAM! For sale. P.S. I’ve managed to sell 2 full chess sets already. The ball’s rollin’!

Updating my thingiverse things

Found myself with some time this morning and since I’ve been tweaking things for my etsy store I figured I’d upload my recent changes to thingiverse. The Hylian shield got an update that dual prints much cleaner. Offering it on my etsy store now. My marked stubby ring stock got an update too with marks that are easier to read …

Dang it, first layer. You had one job…

…TO STICK! Been having trouble with ring bases sticking when printing, but I assumed it was an issue with filament diameter with the new plastic. Then I test printed the pieces for a lego compatable game I made and… still no sticky. Now I think it’s bad geometry because part of all these prints sticks okay. Either that or I …

River, make her blue!

I should really reserve that title line for later since the actual quote ends with “again” but nevermind. I wanted some blue filament. Makerbot was all out so I purchased some from Protoparadigm who are closer to me geographically. When I finally manage to sell some chessbots I plan to buy some red for the opponent chess sets. But for …

Acceleration and you

The replicator 5.5 firmware included acceleration. I’ve been fiddling around with it, had every sort of problem this could have and consequently learned a lot. First of all, “acceleration” doesn’t just mean “going faster”. It also means “the change in speed over time” and both definitions are true for acceleration in 3D printing. The main feature is that instead of …

Chessbots now for sale!

If there is anyone reading this blog who doesn’t have their own 3D printer and has just been waiting for this announcement, this is the day you’ve been waiting for. You can to etsy and get your very own chessbot now. There is an opponent set coming, I just need to spend some development time on it, and the other …