Go home and be a family man

So Cubify has appeared twice in my news feed in the past week. First for their modular robot toys that they are selling the designs for and second for their design contest where you could win a (gasp) Cubify 3D printer! The question is do you want to? Now just to be clear, Cubify isn’t just 3D printers. Cubify is one …

Killing the Blob 2

(Killing the blob part 1 and 3) The important part is in the corners of the build platform, not the middle This hack to your choice of start.gcode is based on a suggestion by Tai Cullum that the pump priming double as a platform leveling test. So in each corner a little triangle is printed. Advantage: if they stick you …

Killing the blob

(Killing the blob part 2 and 3.) Last time I hacked the gcode I ended up giving up and reverting to the way it was before. However some recent discussion, including a video by Andrew, plus my mounting frustration with the problems I’ll enumerate below have inspired me to try again. The condensed version of this discussion is: Why not …

3D Printing Tidbit 5 – Taping the middle

I’ve got a new way to tape. Look closely at the picture above. I figured since most of my prints happen in the center, and the tape gets most worn where it gets most printed on, why was I ruining two pieces of tape there? So I measured carefully and cut the middle out, then just replaced that part with one …

It sells itself… no really it does

I don’t know if it’s because it’s the beginning of the month or what but I haven’t had time to print anything I want for all the TARDIS rings that have occupied my printer this weekend. The Etsy orders for those things are just going like crazy. I’ve had to organize a little assembly line. Unfortunately my current backlog has …

Two guys walk into a sidebar

If you’re reading this on a feed reader (which I recommend in general) I’d like to draw your attention to the changes I’ve made to the site, in particular the sidebar. Right under the blatant advertising for my Etsy store I’ve got a list of useful 3D printing links. If there’s a link that you use on a regular basis …

3D printing helps a little girl move her arms

This is going to be all over the place, so might as well be here too. Via http://www.3dfuture.com.au/2012/08/3d-printed-magic-arms/ I know a lot of the stuff I do isn’t this caliber, but I’ve long thought that 3D printing could allow the building of cheap custom prognostics, even thinking that one of the printed hand projects could be adapted to medical use. …

Want to win a 3D printed game?

I’ve been using these pieces to detail testing and I will print the whole thing one day. But if you don’t have a 3D printer and want to play the game all you have to do is design a 3D logo for their game. http://illgottengames.blogspot.com/2012/07/win-copy-of-pocket-tactics.html

Ooh, what could that be for?

I made this prototype for an idea with absolutely no graphic design which I immediately regretted. In fact once I had the prototype in hand I wondered why I felt like I even needed it. It was so obvious. So onward to some design work first.

The tortoise doesn’t always win

With skin turned on one of these was printed at 20mm/s, the other at 40mm/s. Can you tell which is which? Nope, neither can I. There is no discernible difference. The picture doesn’t really show it but they’re both equally bad. My conclusion still stands. Skin doesn’t play well with detail