3D Printing tidbit 3 – Test your filament diameter

Filament diameter is a killer. If you don’t test it before you print you’re likely to waste a whole plate of pawns. [Sigh] PS. Bonus tidbit: If you’re like me and build to an SD card from replicatorG then be sure to give your S3G additional information by changing the name of the file when you save them. For me …

Pushing the detail, the detail pushed back

As soon as I saw pocket tactics I knew I was going to be printing it. And what a great opportunity to dial in my printer settings to get the best possible prints of very small details as fast as possible of course. Click on image for higher resolution Quarter for scale. The fire mage on the left was printed …

Chessbots first pass sold out. Store update.

Yes, I’ve finally sold my last chessbot. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this first run. The next run will be even more awesome. For one, I’ve gotten better printing techniques so the models will be even higher resolution. I’ve also been able to afford some new filament with the sales of this pass so I will …

My son’s printed monster teeth

As soon as my 7 year old son saw that I had red filament he immediately had the idea that I should print some teeth for a monster. Blue with red tips. I had him describe them to me. He drew me a picture and I had to explain to him that there was a 3rd dimension he needed to …

Just a little to the left

Did I mention how I fixed my Y-Axis alignment problem on this blog? Turns out the problem was that the waiting position was far enough forward that the tug of the filament feeding and electronics cables were pulling back against the carriage. Normally the steppers can handle it but the very next command after “go to the waiting position” is …

3D Printing tidbit 2 – Getting the first layer to stick

If your first layer is refusing to stick right and you’ve adjusted your filament diameter and done everything in ReplicatorG you can thing of and it still hasn’t helped then you should re-level your build plate. That’ll fix it right up.


Owning a 3D printer means you can finally have those things that you’ve always wanted, even if no one is making them any more. The prototype is still very rough. The finished designs will be uploaded to Thingiverse when the kinks are worked out. And yes I’ll be selling them in the etsy store.

You are likely to be eaten by a grue

There’s something giddy about playing with glow in the dark material. Just holding the spool and walking into the shadows and seeing it glow triggers something in the immature parts of my brain. This glow in the dark filament has been a heck of an adventure. It didn’t come on the spool which necessitated the development of a spare spool …

Concept proven… settings bad

A while ago a designed a desk toy inspired by a desk toy that a coworker has. Printing it hasn’t really been high on my priority list owing to the fact that worthless stuff that costs plastic and just sits on your desk and accumulates dust… well that pretty much explains it there. Still, I wanted to see if it …