
I’ve been putting this off because last time I took apart my print head… disaster struck. And while I knew that the two coldn’t be related I was still a bit gun-shy. However, after being unable to restock my chess sets for a day I decided it couldn’t put off my Makerbot maintenance any longer. So I disassembled my extruder head, got …

Battle of the Levelers

I managed to get my build plate level enough through trial and error, but I noticed when I was printing large batches of TARDIS rings that it wasn’t quite right. On the advice of Andrew Morrow I decided to buy the parts to build a leveling jig. Then I noticed there was a version that just snaps on to the …

Pretty good looking

0.15mm layer height. Nice and smooth. Takes longer to print, but not that much longer. I am very pleased with the details on small parts. I’m playing with making a set of these in 4 different colors then selling them in multicolored sets on my store. Same with the pegbots (development of which has continued today and hopefully will be added …

TARDIS rings flooding Texas

That is 50 TARDIS rings of various sides that will be going to the Dragon Con on August 30 to September 3rd. The Austin Brown Coats, a Firefly fan group turned non-profit charity organization approached me about selling the rings and so I thought I’d have a go at it. If you’re going to be in the Atlanta, Georgia area you can pick up a TARDIS …

Oh, that’s what it was for

From humble beginnings my latest model is almost ready to share on thingiverse. I’m pretty proud of these. But I’ve got to tweak the designs. Probably upload the designs to thingiverse this weekend. The origin of this idea was when I saw Wil Wheaton and friends play “get bit” on his web show Table Top. The game looked really cool …

3D Printing Tidbit 6 – Centering your prints

I had trouble with my prints being too far to the right and too far back on the build platform. There were 2 fixes that solved this problem. Solution 1 – Fixing the rest position.If your makebot is doing a slide backwards before it waits to warm up (like mine did) you need to fix the start.gcode. There are several …

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance

After my Makerbot vs Cubify side-by-side I was really excited to see the actual throw down. This is actually a few month’s old but who cares, it’s new to me. Kathy: “Coloring book simplicity.” “In the cloud.” “Coloring book.” “Cloud.”Bre: “We share everything.” “We made this for everyone” 0:35 Oh, who won? That’s right, Makerbot. Put your plastic mail glove away.1:25 That …

Big projects this weekend, nothing to report yet

Color coordinated spool rollers, new version of the chessbot, decoder ring development, and modeling some robots with interchangeable parts. I spent the weekend printing some rather large projects, but nothing complete yet so nothing interesting enough to post about. I’m also gearing up to make some modifications to my Replicator that need to print a few more parts and work up the courage …

Why not just print your Pinewood Derby

A printed Pinewood Derby car? Yes please. Tho I don’t think that one would run on a standard track. Actually, would anyone believe me if I said I had this idea before? I mean, it’s got to be a common idea. My thought was I wanted to make a small CNC router and have the neighborhood pack use tinkercad to design …

Refreshing my filament

A while black some failed black knight prints prompted me to try refreshing my black filament. Over time plastic absorbs moisture in the air and swells and while I live in the middle of the great American desert we have had some pretty good rains lately. Theoretically the procedure is as follows: Set the oven on it’s lowest setting to …