This should really be a comment on the previous post…

In the continuing discussion linked to yesterday: On Thursday, September 6, 2012 10:51:30 AM UTC-6, 66tbird wrote: BTW, A little off topic here but to those of us that are getting great prints regularly, have you seen prints of equal quality and consistency made on other brands of hobby 3dprinters?  I ask because i know of one gentleman that has …

A great review and discussion on the Replicator

Here’s an excerpt from a review posted on the Makerbot Users Google Group: TECHNOLOGY – The technology of the Makerbot Replicator is unsurpassed. It is cutting edge. There are only 3 dual extruder 3d printers on the market currently; Leapfrog Creatr (Netherlands), Bukobot 8 Duo (USA), and Makerbot Replicator (USA). …EASE OF USE – …The Makerbot Replicator is not very easy …

Disney providing custom dolls with 3D printing

So it looks like they’re using a photo booth so they’re using a 123D Catch like software to create the 3D models then they’re using a powder sintering printer so they can print in full color, which is going to be the costliest and slowest part of the whole process. To be clear I don’t think this isn’t printed as …

Well, there go my plans

So the plan for this past long weekend were to switch filament, test the diameter, finish work on my new type TARDIS ring, test a few models so I can upload them to thingiverse (like K-9 here), and gear up for a week of producing chess sets for sale. The short version is that my Replicator is broken again. It appears …

Enclosing the Replicator part 1

Enclosing the replicator is the best way to prevent drafts and other environmental elements from effecting your prints. With that in mind I bought a $10 acrylic sheet and a $3 tool. I printed out side clips and front hinges. Then I just waited. Since the weather’s been so warm my prints weren’t really feeling it. However, this weekend it was raining …

New TARDIS ring Prototype 1

The goal was to make something considerably lower profile than the old TARDIS rings that stick out from your finger a centimeter. These ones you could actually put in your jeans pocket while wearing. However there was some detail loss on the edge of the open door. I guess I’ll just have to shut the door which I’m not happy …

3D Printing Tidbit 7 – Cleaning the nozzle

My nozzle was getting covered with the burnt remains of past prints and I couldn’t think of any easy way to clean it. When I saw this suggestion on the Makerbot Google group my initial reaction was “Naaaa, that can’t be a good idea.” But it is, and it works. Get a blob of a past failed print. If you’ve got …

Somewhere over the rainbow

My new filament arrangement because putting on and taking off the filament on the back of the replicator was getting tedious. The rollers are a combination of Mano1979’s and gyronictonic’s spool holders. I prefer Mano1976’s by the way. Easier to slide around the table. I chose those ones becaues I found a good deal on 30 count 608 bearings online. The hard …

Flattening the bottom

Making flat bases or sides is important when 3D printing, but can be tedious at time. If you’re “eye balling” the measurements you may find your eye isn’t as accurate as you would otherwise hope. But there’s a simple way to insure that your side is flat and all points are on the same plate. Step 4 Import your STL model into …

How not do dehydrate your filament

I got a few rolls of filament, one from Protoparadigm (black) one from Makerbot (white) and both pre-swollen. 1.88m diameter plus or minus. Way too thick to use with my existing filament if I want to use both extruders at once to double output. The difference would mean the pieces from one would mate too tight or the other too loose. And …