And then there’s the retaliation

Okay, this is over the top. So Makerbot, in responding to pressure from investors and to be competitive with their direct rivals, has abandoned OpenSource to remain competitive in their new software and hardware. However, as I said yesterday, Thingiverse is still there and just as awesome as it always has been. And this is an important point. The Thingiverse …

On crossing over to the dark side

Seems like it’s not a great week to be on the edge of 3D printing with the barrier for entry being raised twice in a week. First TinkerCAD yanks itself out of the range of the hobbiest with a paid subscription program. Then Makerbot just today announced a new Replicator that is more expensive, single extrusion head only, PLA only, and …

TARDIS designs and more on thingiverse

This weekend I uploaded my TARDIS charm and elegant styled TARDIS rings to thingiverse, as well as a hypnoring for my kids. But everything I can lately have come with a “for sale in my etsy store” tag line at the end of the descriptions and I wonder if I’m offending anyone with that. I get the sense that most poeple in …

New vs Old TARDIS rings

On Etsy mailebucek123 asked for a side-by-side comparison of the new vs old TARDIS ring designs so here it is: New style on the left, old on the right New style in the shadow of the old style The old rings were hard to wear for everyday use, the new ones will actually let you put your hands in your pockets. The …

Do you want to play a game?

Pocket-Tactics (apparently the hyphen is important) is awesome on so many levels. First of all it’s a strategy game reminiscent of Star Control 1’s full game, always a turn on for me. Secondly, it’s an open source game. That’s like putting peanut butter in my chocolate. Finally you get to paint the pieces yourself. That last one is not as exciting for me but …

Using 3D printing in place of traditional manufacture

One of the promises of 3D printing is the ability to make customized parts in place of doing traditional manufacture. Alice Taylor of Makie Lab is doing just that and it’s awesome. Go watch that video and be amazed with the awesomeness. Seriously, go watch it. The problem, as is reoccurring with this sort of thing, is that the less limited the customization …

The evolution of an idea

Being a geek growing up in the 80s I was naturally a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Being a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation I am naturally a fan of Wil Wheaton. Being a fan of Wil Wheaton I am naturally a fan of his new web series Table Top, which is good because I’m also …

A risky maneuver

My first roll of blue filament was almost out so instead of maybe fail to print my first batch of new design TARDIS rings I decided to print something a bit more frivolous, something that’s come to be called the “Cymon Split Pyramid puzzle“. It’s kind of silly but since I’m no associated with it I figure I should probably have …

Back in the saddle again… mostly

Many thanks to Jason in Makerbot support who pointed me to the menu options that I haven’t noticed yet that got me back to printing. There’s still a small issue with the main menu sometimes, but for the most part I’m alive again. Plus I just got a shipment of filament in so let the good times roll!