Might have overdone it.

Customer said she wanted a birthday greeting with the TARDIS ring she was ordering for a friend. Customer. Service.

the ultimate test

My replicator has been tested and came out… well, not 100%, but pretty darn good. A while ago I made this iThrone for one of the Makerbot sponsored contests I didn’t win. I’ve never had reason to print one, but after the MakeSLC presentation I was approached by someone there who offered to buy one.  So, I decided to see if my …

3D printing tip – Picture perfect modeling

So you have a doodad that broke and you want to 3D print a replacement. But how can you be sure that the new part will be a good replacement? Here’s the method I used to make a replacement part for my kid’s drawer that uses only free software and the hardware you probably already have. Put the part on …

MakeSLC Presentation

Here is the full presentation that I gave last Wednesday at MakeSLC. Cymon @ MakeSLC Oct. 17th 2012 from Dan Mitchell on Vimeo. Many thanks to Dan Michell for inviting me as well as recording and uploading this video.

Drew’s Castle

I let my soon loose on TinkerCad, alone and unsupervised, and this is what he came up with. So when his good behavior earned him a 3D print of whatever he wanted, naturally what did he choose? Now at it’s natural scale this is the biggest single thing I’ve printed to date. But I’m really trusting my new firmware, so what the …

3D Printing Tidbit – Filament Diameter Song

I tend to say this alot on the makerbot user’s group, so I decided to make a little ditty: As ABS filament is exposed to moisture in the air it swells causing the filament diameter to change over the life of the spool. The default filament diameter setting in ReplicatorG is fine on average, but for fresh rolls of filament it is …

Joe’s Makerbot now runs Sailfish

Sailfish is a firmware upgrade for Replicators and Thing-o-matics by the acceleration wizards Jetty and Dan Newman. And this is another reason why open source is more awesome. It was an adventure that took a few days to sort out entirely. The hardest part of the initial setup instructions was the usual “Press reset a moment before pressing the Update button in RepG” …

My son’s bowser costume so far

Yes, the bracelet and horns are 3D printed, but I think I’m most proud of the shell he made himself. My other son is going to be a bat with wings he’s made himself. [Sniff]. Daddy’s little makers.

Natural vs White

It was difficult getting a picture to really show the stark contrast between these two prints. Just realize that the minor difference you see in the picture is a major difference in real life. On the left is “Natural” abs, the same that came with my Replicator. On the right is “White” donated by Joseph Chiu (aka Toybuilder). The white is …