3D Printing Tidbit – Spooling loose filament

Believe me when I say that hours of trial and error have gone into discovering this trick. Sometimes you get loose filament, filament that is not on a spool. And whether you use an empty spool or print one getting the filament on the spool in always a challenge. The filament either gets twisted and wants to knot up or gets …

Fixing the fan for good

ad·ven·ture adˈvenCHər – (N) 1. An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. 2. When you set out to do something, everything goes wrong, but you survive and in the end you say “That was an adventure”. Had an adventure today upgrading the body fan on my replicator. Last time I moved the one fan closer to the outside. That was fine, …

Chessbot on Mancave

Dutch site Mancave featured my chessbot set even giving it title billing. Thang goodness for automatic translation services. I don’t think I’ll ever stop printing chess sets at this rate… which somehow I don’t feed bad about at all.

The new toy makers

I’m having a hard time coming up with a lead in for this that balances the lofty tone of the article and head-in-the-clouds nature of the whole site it’s on with a healthy dose of cynicism. But I can’t. So I’ll just link the article: http://www.iftf.org/future-now/article-detail/inventing-a-toy-in-the-21st-century Patents annoy me. I could go off on a tirade about that, but I’m not. I will say that …

Questions about 3D printing 2 – FAQs

These questions are more frequently asked, so they’re a good place to start. They come from Taylor on Reddit. Most of them can be pretty easy to answer with minimal research, but so I have a place to point people to in the future here we go: What kind of printer(s) do you have? Makerbot Replicator. Original, not the 2. Dual …

Chessbot orders update

All chessbots that have been ordered are out the door and I’ve even got one full set and two halves to spare. This last batch was a bit loose and I apologize to anyone who received one and found them hard to pose. Remember, a little clear nail polish in the joints will tighten that up. Then again, maybe they’re better that way. I’m …

Questions about 3D printing 1

I’ve gotten a number of inquiries about 3D printing from all over, as I suspect many people in the 3D printing community have. So in the interest of helping others who may have similar questions when I get permission I’m going to re-post the questions and answers here as they come. Today’s questions come from Sina who writes: My name is Sina …

Fully Printed Engine V0.1

It’s a good feeling when something you’ve made gets attention on Thingiverse. Even if it’s something you made a long time ago that never really worked the way you wanted it to. Hopefully, tho, someone can make a good version of my old desk toy. In the meanwhile: Here’s the engine designed to harness the power of those springs. I …

Printing springs

I want to build a totally 3D printed engine and use it to power some little things. So while I’m waiting for my red filament to come in so I can finishe the chess sets my current experiment is this: The hope is to make something that will store enough energy and return it, but not too harsh. So far …

This is why I don’t track Whovians

When sales of TARDIS rings started taking off I thought it might be fun to get a map and track the places I’ve shipped to. You know, to make a map of whovians of the world. Then I thought better of it because I’d basically be making a population map. See, I can sometimes think my way through a bad …