Chess Production Day 2 1/2

The day started with a few clean up pieces from failed chess sets. A few rooks, a bishop. Then I decided to take the rest of the day off from printing chess sets to print a few things I’ve been meaning to get to for myself since my lovely and talented assistant can help me with the big batches. Then, …

Chess production day 2

This time around feels like a very different experience than last time around for so many reason. Filament diameter. Filament diameter. Filament diameter. I measured, swear I did. 1.81mm. They both worked. Then suddenly… they didn’t. Every joint was too loose. Of course I didn’t figure this out until I got home and 4 batches had already printed. Fortunately there’s a fix. Clear nail …

Robot Chess Sets back in production

There has finally been some demand for my Robot Chess sets and I’ve finally sold out of my original 10. Apparently Boing Boing put them on a holiday gift guide which links to either this blog or the makerbot blog, which links to the thingiverse page, which links to the etsy where you can find the chess set. Phweao. I’ve attempted to …

3D Printing Tip – ABS plus Tower or Skin = No

So apparently my recent printing problems was no fault of the mk8 upgrade or Sailfish. I was having trouble printing some pocket tactics pieces so I experimented with the tower plug-in before I found out what it did. (Dumb.) What tower does is it stays in the same area doing several layers before dropping down and doing another area. The problem with …

Willit 3D Print? This would have been a great tool to have when I was learning to model for 3D. It’s not quite all there yet but eventually I see this being real useful. If you don’t have a 3D printer and want to test your designs this is a good tool to start with. Features I would like to see is …

Not exactly what I was hoping for

I thought getting the Mk8 upgrade and upgrading my Jetty firmware to the latest version would see vast improvements, not this: And the quality just got worse as I let it go, spreading to the whole lot. I’ve put out a plea for some help but if anyone reading this knows what settings I need to fix please tell me. …

Another way to win a 3D printer

It’s not a Makerbot, but who cares. If you’re doing a cool project take some pictures, do a write up, and take a chance. Unfortunately my big project starts in January, so I you probably won’t be competing with me so your chances are that much better! Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to enter to win an Afinia, the best …

Multiply plus rafts = Okay

I don’t use supports a lot. I really need someone to tell me how to dial it in. The problem is always some stuck permanently to the print that I have to clean off with sand paper and heat. But for this print I decided to see if supports work with multiply. And the result is pretty much as expected. Both prints work …

The problem with print-assembled

I hope everyone had a good turkey day and are enjoying “avoid shopping” day today. In the past I’ve experimented with the process and idea of building separate parts that print assembled, interlocked in some way that when printing is done they will never come apart. And I was somewhat successful with that. but I found the tolerances that needed to be adjusted for …

Monster Socks

Okay, technically not related to 3D printing at all. But I saw this woman at a local market fair and absolutely loved her style and thought maybe some of you would too. Everything she makes is unique, hand made, unlike anything else she makes, and absolutely dripping with style. Some of them kind of remind me of the Neverhood. Others of them just …