ProtoExchange – An idea who’s time has come

Do you have a 3D printer? Are you running it as often as you can? Would you like to make some money while between interesting prints? Why not rent out your print time to others? Then ProtoExchange is the site for you. Only, it needs your help to get started, so visit the Indiegogo campaign and donate to the developers …

Brainstorming the chess set

Merry Christmas to all. While getting ready for my holiday trip I found an old notebook where I brainstormed ideas for my chessbot. Here’s the earliest sketch of what eventually became my winning entry. I originally was playing with the idea of using a pawn for the head. I wanted to get a robocop vibe, but I couldn’t resolve the …

Shutting down the store, and the bot, for the season

I’ll be spending from now till the end of the year with the in-laws. As much as I tried to convince my wife the bot had to stay behind. So I’ve got a few weeks to plan for my return and work on some other projects, between visiting with family and whatever. So farewell until next year!

Questions about 3D printing 3

Todays questions are from Jarkko from the University of Tampere in Finland who says: Our aim is to find out how new technologies in 3D printing, CAD software and design processes are changing and how the new “open design generation” differs with traditional desing practices. 1. What is your education level? For how long have you been involved in 3D printing …

3D Printing Tidbit – Spooling loose filament

Believe me when I say that hours of trial and error have gone into discovering this trick. Sometimes you get loose filament, filament that is not on a spool. And whether you use an empty spool or print one getting the filament on the spool in always a challenge. The filament either gets twisted and wants to knot up or gets …

Fixing the fan for good

ad·ven·ture adˈvenCHər – (N) 1. An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. 2. When you set out to do something, everything goes wrong, but you survive and in the end you say “That was an adventure”. Had an adventure today upgrading the body fan on my replicator. Last time I moved the one fan closer to the outside. That was fine, …

Chessbot on Mancave

Dutch site Mancave featured my chessbot set even giving it title billing. Thang goodness for automatic translation services. I don’t think I’ll ever stop printing chess sets at this rate… which somehow I don’t feed bad about at all.

The new toy makers

I’m having a hard time coming up with a lead in for this that balances the lofty tone of the article and head-in-the-clouds nature of the whole site it’s on with a healthy dose of cynicism. But I can’t. So I’ll just link the article: Patents annoy me. I could go off on a tirade about that, but I’m not. I will say that …

Questions about 3D printing 2 – FAQs

These questions are more frequently asked, so they’re a good place to start. They come from Taylor on Reddit. Most of them can be pretty easy to answer with minimal research, but so I have a place to point people to in the future here we go: What kind of printer(s) do you have? Makerbot Replicator. Original, not the 2. Dual …