PrintABlok Skyforce Campaign Video Preview

Watch on YouTube Sign up on kickstarter to be notified when the campaign goes live! This is the video that will be attached to the PrintABlok Kickstarter, which I’m currently working on. This video isn’t to advertise the campaign to those who maybe haven’t ever done a kickstarter before. That will be coming later. But this is the one that …

PrintABlok:Beasts Kickstarter Post Mortem

The PrintABlok:Beasts kickstarter finished successfully in May 2021. This post mortem was written up right after it so the lessons of that kickstarter could be remembered. The models are modeled, tested, packaged up, delivered, repaired again, repackaged up, and finally delivered to all the backers. The post-kickstarter listings are in the shop. has been redirected back to those listings. …

Help me bring PrintABlok to MRRF 2022 Video

Watch on YouTube Sign up for the Mailing List so you don’t miss PrintABlok: Skyforce! I hope my hair is better before I get to Goshen.I’ve actually been working on PrintABlok Skyforce models for months. I want to get a jump on the campaign so you have a lot to look forward to. But modeling greebles is time consuming.  They …

How to 3D print nothing video

Watch on YouTube Discovering this trick was an exercise in “there’s no way this would work… oh, it does”. I’ve found that this sort of thing doesn’t always work the way you expect it, but when it does, Cura’s overlapping settings changes is one of the most powerful tools they have. You can even use a cutting mesh to say …

PrintABloks are getting even better Video

Watch on YouTube One thing that I didn’t mention in the video was that the PrintABlok hole got a small makeover, as well. The difference is that the ridges where the connector would snap in used to only be in the corners (since that’s the only part that really matters) and now they go along the whole length (which makes …

Well, there goes the neighborhood. Makerbot+Ultimaker Merger Reaction

Watch on YouTube In “Ozma of Oz”, L. Frank Baum’s follow up to The Wizard of Oz, he introduced a clockwork man name Tik-Tok. Tik-Tok had separate windings for thought, action, and speech. When I heard this morning that Ultimaker and Makerbot are merging, I had to slap my hand away from my own “sarcasm” winding. Ooh, I wanted to …

JGMaker Artist D Pro full review

Watch on YouTube I mention that I’ve used 4 other large format budget priced IDEX printers before. They are, in order that I experineced them: The JGMaker Artist D (pre kickstarter) The Kywoo3D IDEX The Weedo X40 And the JGMaker Artist D Pro I’ve mentioned before that I have limited space for keeping the 3D printers I review, so I …

3D Print Cosplay Helmets Fast and Light with the JGMaker Artist D pro

Watch on YouTube About midway through editing this video I said to myself “I need to get to the point”. That’s the reason for the voice over review. But, of course, I could release the extended review. Don’t know if anyone cares, but, hey, I got it anyways. Free views. Which is good because it’s probably going to be a …

Can you sell 3D prints video

Watch on YouTube Not much to say about this video. It pretty much speaks for itself and I don’t have anything to add. So let me tell you about a few of the side projects I’ve been working on. To call things lately “crazy” wouldn’t do justice to the life I’m living right now. I’ve got at least 4 simultaneous …