Watch on YouTube Cast your vote on YouTube I can not tell you how hard it was to stay objective in this video and not try to influence the vote. Because I know which one of these I’d choose. In preparation for this video I needed to come up with a thumbnail for both of these kickstarter projects. Partially because …
Flashforge Adventurer 5X AD5X Review
Watch on YouTube Flashforge enters the Multicolor 3D Printing race with the Adventurer 5X, a solid entry into the next generation of 3D printing that is fast, capable, easy to use, and with a lot fewer security concerns. The Adventurer 5x has quickly become my workhorse machine if only because it’s as easy to use as any 3D printer and …
Master 3D printing with these 3 simple tricks – 3D Printing for Beginners Part 2
Watch on YouTube You’re new to 3D printing and can’t get your prints to stick to the build plate. It might not be your 3D printers. Did you check your print preview first? In this video we go over some simple tricks for making tricky 3D prints work including, Orientation, Flattening the Bottom, and Supports. Print the model shown in …
What Campaign is Next?
Vote for your choice of campaigns to run next Jump to 3D Printed Balloon Animals, ChibiQuest, PrintAQuest, Spin-off, Polysaurus Park, Chibimal Babies, Chess Variations It’s time to decide on the next annual 3D Printing Professor Model-a-thon fundraising drive. This year I have a lot of projects I’d like to do, but only one of them. But instead of years past …
Kickstarter Bomb in Progress, the Plica-1 mini battery operated 3D printer
Watch on Youtube Are you tired of kickstarters with great marketing, a successful kickstarter, but deliver crap? Well this campaign is the exact opposite. The Plica-1 promises to be the first laptop 3D printer. Small, battery operated, and agile. But it won’t succeed without your help. Not the video I planned on making today, but as I was scouting …
3D Printing Balloon Animals with the 3DMakerPro Moose Scanner
Watch on YouTube Putting this model up for download was a after-editing decision. I’m hoping that people do love it and this project takes off because I’d love for this to be my next big kickstarter. I love making balloon animals, and I can really make a ton of them. When I was doing balloons and someone would ask what …
How Bambu labs could fix the drama
Watch on YouTube The drama with BambuLabs is a little bit the fault of the community, and a little bit the fault of BambuLabs. Here’s how the community could have responded better, and how BambuLabs could address the issues. One of the stated goals of this channel is to promote positive change in the 3D printing industry. Videos condemning a …
3D Printing with a cold build plate
Watch on YouTube Man, I did not edit a darn thing in this video. I should have put in a lot more BRoll of printing in the wilderness and all kinds of things. But I hear most people don’t actually pay attention the visuals of videos these days, so we’ll see how this does. If it does any kind of …
How to 3D Print – A Beginner’s Guide
Watch on YouTube If you’re new to 3D printing, here’s a few simple steps to help you learn the 3D printing process. From getting or making 3D models, to preparing them for 3D printing to running your 3D printer, this simple step-by-step process will give you the confidence to make cool things with 3D printing! This would have been a …
3D Benchy is Sinking itself. The Death of the 3D Benchy Video
Watch on YouTube 3DBenchy’s Laywers are killing our fun! I’ve never been a fan of the Benchy model, either as a benchmark or as a model. But even I have to admit that them taking down the remixes is a bad move. Why are they doing this and what can we do about it? I edited out a bit in …