How to use Bambu 3D printers offline

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I’ve finally committed to a date on the BattleMechas kickstarter. August 26th at 8AM MST I’ll be hitting launch live on YouTube.

Lemme start this discussion by saying I love my Bambu. I think it’s a huge credit to Bambu that they setup this web service and then allowed you to not use it. I really don’t think they’re up to anything nefarious with their service. That’s simply the only way to allow people to check on their phones while they’re away from the same LAN their printer is on without punching a hole in their firewall, which is something most users can’t or don’t want to do.

But I can already tell I’m gonna have a lot of comments on this video that I’m just going to have to ignore. However, that was my point. All negativity about this that I saw ere in comment replies. There wasn’t a lot of people going out of their way to make a point with this one. A lot of “I told you so” in the replies, not a lot of proselytizing anti-bambu-ism outside of that.

And I choose to see that as a good thing, as the community finally maturing and realizing that they don’t need to make mountains out of every molehill. Though maybe what it actually means is that the zealots have simply given up the fight, knowing that it’s fruitless. Maybe they finally understand that people value their time over their control and privacy.

Wow, when I say it like that it really sounds like a bad thing.

When I tried setting up the LAN only mode just yesterday it failed to connect, so I was expecting during this video to make some comment about having to work with Bambu support to figure this out, but today they fixed it which ruined a few takes. But goon on Bambu for making that mode work, and I think a lot of people are going to be using that mode now that it works so well.