Sovol Sv07 Review Video

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I filmed this video entirely on my phone. I was hoping to be able to quickly edit it. But I think the video quality isn’t quite as good this way. We’ll see if I get any complaints.

I will say, I like the wifi delivery on this machine. Big ups to the Klipper interface on it, it works. The wifi, and the bed leveling are the two things I don’t hate about this machine.

There were a few other things about my experience with this machine that I had to cut for time. Like the out of range error I would frequently experience. Something, and I don’t know what, would put the printer in relative movement mode, and when that happened instead of moving where the GCode was telling it to, it’d try running off the side of the build plate and throw an error. And that was easy enough to fix, just send it an M90 Gcode command or put an M90 in your start GCode. But the fact that M90 wasn’t in their start GCode on their slicer is just one more reason this thing isn’t ready for prime time.

You know, I wonder if something about the geometry of the nozzle is what’s preventing it from sticking, like it’s somehow curling filament instead of laying it down. I don’t know, I’ve never heard of that before, but I wonder if swapping out the nozzle would make things stick better. I do know I got real tired of peeling prints off the hot end.

While editing this video I was concerned that I had been the victim of cherry picking. Or, more accurately, not getting the cherry picked machine. It would just be my luck to not get the cherry picked machine. But that would explain why other reviewers are getting exemplary experiences, and I was getting a headache. But then I saw that the printer wasn’t even out yet, they’re just taking preorders. So it can’t be cherry picking because all that they have are review units right now. I feel this needed another 6 months of development. Really print with it every day and figure out what needs fixing and fix it. Without a doubt this was rushed out to compete with Bambu. And it was designed to a price point, not to a spec.

But the thing is, I see other reviewers gushing about this machine, and I wonder, did they get the same machine? Did they not have to unscrew the body screws to do the accelerometer measurements? And why can I not get anything to stick to this build plate?

This machine feels like the first generation Ender 3s to me. And like those machines there’s going to be a lot of people who will tell me I’m an idiot for not doing the mere $150 in upgrades that makes this machine better than Bambu. And, you know what, they can have it. Because my Bambu is running right now, as it has been almost constantly since I got it.