Hoo, look at the detail

Holy smokes that’s small. In the middle is a king from my meta chess set. That’s the only part I’ve printed because I wasn’t sure it was even going to work. What prompted me to try was that I found the magnetic travel chess set that my kids lost the king to ages ago. So I thought I printed the meta chess king to see how it compared. Imagine my surprise to learn it was actually about half as big as the pieces in the travel chess set. So I scaled it up and made a little hole inside for a 3mm magnetic ball (and shared it on thingiverse).

But back to that original kind, this thing is tiny. And yet it still works. I actually want to print out the whole set now. Not right now, tho. Right now I gotta get back into production of the Action Chess sets because I want something to put on my etsy store, like, this weekend.