Chessbots now for sale!

If there is anyone reading this blog who doesn’t have their own 3D printer and has just been waiting for this announcement, this is the day you’ve been waiting for. You can to etsy and get your very own chessbot now. There is an opponent set coming, I just need to spend some development time on it, and the other half will be coming so I recommend just getting one chess robot now and waiting for the opponent. Going to keep this announcement just here for a few days in appreciation to the readers of my blog. Thank you and go buy a Chessbot.

So for now the trick to getting chess sets printing is “slow and steady”. As long as I keep my print speeds at pre-acceleration speed, even if acceleration is technically on, the result is good. With that success I now have 5 finished half-sets with 2 more on the print bed. I’ll work on getting the speeds up later in the week along with getting the alignment fixed, but hopefully not at the cost of chessbot production. Man, I hope there’s demand for these.