Enclosing the Replicator part 1

Enclosing the replicator is the best way to prevent drafts and other environmental elements from effecting your prints. With that in mind I bought a $10 acrylic sheet and a $3 tool. I printed out side clips and front hinges. Then I just waited. Since the weather’s been so warm my prints weren’t really feeling it. However, this weekend it was raining and I started losing TARDIS ring prints (my blue discard pile looks like a TARDIS graveyard) and I decided it was time to start enclosing my Replicator.

I’m hand cutting the acrylic with a rapidly dulling tool so that side ended up uneven. Adjustments had to be made but in the end it worked. I’ve already tried putting my hand through it once.

There’s a complication that’s stopping me from fully enclosing it having to do with the motherboard fan that I’ll cover next time.