Blender Tutorial 12 Edit Mode Modeling

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I made an entirely different octopus for the thumbnail. I have no idea what to say about that. I just wanted to use that line in the thumbnail.

With this video I have no more videos in the pipe waiting to upload for the Blender for 3DPrinting channel. The pipeline has been clogged somewhat with a video that is taking longer than I wanted. I wanted the Blender channel to be quick videos that I didn’t need to put a lot of effort into. But, that didn’t last. So here I am putting way too much effort into a video and it might be a while before my next one comes out.

Hope you’ve enjoyed it up until now!

That said, I’ve hit a point in my tutorials where I can tackle smaller topics in, really, any order I want. The series of tutorial videos that I was working up to is finally done with this one. So that’s good!

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