What’s the best 3D Printer in 2022?

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As much as I want this video to be an update to the 3D printer tier list, I have a lot going on right now, so this will have to do for now this year. Overall this hits on the highs which is what’s important. If you want you can dig into the spreadsheet if you want more details, more options, and more… data. Also, you can make a local copy and fill out the values for your favorite machines to see how they compare.

The original source for this video was a tweet by @stlDenise3D:

So thank you to Denise for kicking off this video.

Speaking about twitter, though… wow, twitter right now. Seems like nothing but drama. I mean, it’s always been nothing but drama, but usually the drama wasn’t about twitter. But now half the people I follow on it are threatening to leave, half of them actually did, and while I’ve signed up for mastodon, I’m not in the habit of using it yet. I definitely feel like twitter is losing some of it’s reach lately, and eventually it might not be worth the effort.

But that’s the way of things, I guess. Ebb and flow. Ups and downs. One day we’re sharing files on Thingiverse, hanging out on twitter to plan our Bay Area Maker Fair get together, and the next day we’re sharing files on Printables, hanging out on Discord, and getting together ERRF. The only constant is change.

However, I lament that it always comes with such distain for what came before it. People now hate Thingiverse. There’s definate hate for Twitter. And I hate… that there’s no more Bay Area Maker Fair. I worry that this isn’t the most healthy attitude in these circumstances. If all we have is hate for what came before, eventually, we’ll realzie that we’re just a few years away from feeling that way about our current tools, and we’ll stop investing in them so we won’t be let down. Instead, maybe we should be a little more detached. If it’s time to move on, we move on, and we don’t need to hate where we’ve been. Treasure what that was, and what it meant at the time. And then, when we move on again, we’ll be able to have good memories about it.