Cubehero, a promising thingiverse alternative

There are a lot of things about thingiverse I like, not the least of which is all the stuff I’ve designed. PirateBay has a physables section which I won’t link to since their ads aren’t exactly family friendly. There’s Physible Exchange, which rose out of annoyance at Thingiverse’s TOS.

And now there’s Cube Hero.

It’s based on github which means you can track changes in your thing, which would have helped me a ton when I was still learning about making things 3D printable, before I had a 3D printer. But even cooler is that it lets you see your changes graphically! Because if you’re gonna compete with Thingiverse you need a reason to draw people in. That might be enough for me. Plus it’s got, in my opinion, a better non-gag chess set than any on thingiverse.

Give Cube Hero a try.