Makerspace Tinkercad Tutorial Video 1 and Mini HDMI screen tech test

Alright, I know the audio on this video isn’t great. I forgot my mic today and I didn’t want that to stop recording, so I thought I’d test out how the mic on the web cam did. And now I know.

The point of this recording wasn’t the recording however. It was a tech test for using a Waveshare 5″ touchscreen HDMI monitor as a kind of mini OBS station on my windows machine at work or if I’m ever portable with the laptop. The result was actually pretty successful. OBS is a little crammed on the 800×480 screen, but it’s functional. And for the price there is literally no reason not to have one of these and toss it in your laptop bag.

I got these screens to test on a RetroPie project that I will be reporting on later, and they work for that too. Over all, I am going to pimp the heck out of these and the 7″ version of these screens because they are amazing. These screens are going to be showing up in a ton of future projects.

I am currently hard at work at a secret project, which people following me on Patreon may already know about, so I may be a bit short on videos. Which sucks because I have videos piling up. But I gotta do what I gotta do. Things in my personal life have just gotten complicated as well, but rest assured I will not be sleeping much until I give you all the quality content you deserve. Because you’re worth it.