What’s the Best 3D Test Print? Is PrintABlok better than Benchy? Video

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I’ve taken this week off work to have a summer vacation… which has mostly ended up being a staycation. But that’s given me a lot of time to work on the campaign, and make this video which came together in what felt like very short order. Technically the amount of time I worked on this video was probably about the same as any other video, I was just able to do it in one shot instead of over 3 evenings. Shot, edited, thumbnailed, uploaded, and this post, all on a Saturday before lunch.

Is this what being a full time “content creator” would be like? I think I like it.

I’ve also been working on a number of assembly animations which I’ve put together in a handy-dandy playlist. Most people don’t know that I came to 3D printing from an animation vector. At one point I was in school for animation. But I abandoned that for software development and while I was doing that I discovered the RepRap project and thought “I’ll be my modeling skill would transfer.” And they did. But unlike other modelers at the time who were all very CAD based, I was using more artistic tools. Nowadays that’s the norm. But now my skillset has come full circle and I’m animating my 3D print models. And I really enjoy it. Each of these animations had a different set of learning that went into them and I’d love to get into it sometime.

The PrintABlok:Skyforce campaign is only days away. If you’re not already, I hope you’re signed up to join the campaign as soon as it launches.