More 3D Printer Contests

Just a couple of heads up in case you hadn’t heard already. First of all Makerbot is having a contest. Grand prize is a Replicator 2x. (I’d really like a Replicator 2x.) All you have to do is learn OpenSCAD and upload a customizable object to their customizer app in one of 3 categories, useful, wearable, or artistic. This contest runs until March 8th but if you don’t know OpenSCAD (like I don’t) it’s time to get cracking on some tutorials. More information here.

Secondly, a website I’ve never heard of,, is promoting themselves with a contest. Grand prizes is “their” Replicator 2. Design a 3D printable thing designed to promote social good by February 14th (so a little more urgent) with their logo on it and upload it to their site.

EDIT: Straight from the comments: Future Vision is holding a contest for a 3D printer or supplies too. Do their survey and win, easy as that. No word on what 3D printer or what supplies, but who cares. Simple contest so might as well enter.

Good luck!