Why the 3D Doodler doesn’t thrill me

The moment I saw the 3D Doodler I was underwhelmed. Doubly so when I saw the price tag. Let me express why the 3D Doodler disappoints in mathematical terms:

Hot glue gun + Computer Control = 3D printer.
3D printer – Computer Control = X.
Solve for X.

Okay, a 3D printer’s hot end is slightly more complicated than just a hot glue gun. It works with thinner and different plastic that is designed to form right out of the hot end so it’s got all these tight thermal properties, but in the end what they’ve done here is taken the hot end off a 3D printer, claimed they’ve done a bunch of “research to get it right”, and are charging $75. Guess what, someone else figured that out 3 years ago, not to mention that people have been doing amazing things with hot glue guns for years.

I’m not saying the 3D Doodler isn’t cool. I’m saying it’s not $75 worth of cool. I may pick one up when they’re on the end cap at Bed Bath and Beyond for $20 in 6 months but for now I feel bad for the 2000 suckers who paid for one right now.

[Image source http://www.dailyartmuse.com/2008/01/10/turams-glue-gun-chandelier/]