PrintABlok Skyforce Campaign Video Preview

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This is the video that will be attached to the PrintABlok Kickstarter, which I’m currently working on. This video isn’t to advertise the campaign to those who maybe haven’t ever done a kickstarter before. That will be coming later. But this is the one that will be at the top of the campaign to introduce people who are wondering “Should I back this campaign” and convince them to jump in.

I’m still working on the campaign proper. There’s a lot of things that I’m still pondering. Most of which I covered in the Beasts Post-Mortem. Biggest question is what do I replace the $100 tier with? Do I even have the $100 tier? I’d hate not to, but I have no idea what I’d do for $100 backers.

But I’ve got some time to think about that.

The plan right now is a July 6th launch. That could change, but right now that’s the plan. Then the plan is to run the campaign for only 14 days. I figure a quick kickstarter will probably raise the same amount of money, avoid the long middle, and not burn me out as badly. We’ll see how it goes.