PrintABloks are getting even better Video

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One thing that I didn’t mention in the video was that the PrintABlok hole got a small makeover, as well. The difference is that the ridges where the connector would snap in used to only be in the corners (since that’s the only part that really matters) and now they go along the whole length (which makes them more printable). And this small change was actually the part that caused me to have to re-export every model I had already made and replate them.

It’s called “technical debt.” But the problem with technical debt is that if you’re releasing your work, and your technical debt touches on literally everything you’ve ever done before it, that’s a lot of boring and tedious, cleanup, prep work, and double checking before it goes out the door. Big thanks to my discord community for being willing to help me with this process. It’s difficult to want to do this sort of work, so I procrastinated. And what do I do when I’m procrastinating? I start working on some new 3D models for what will be the skybloks.

I’m revving up to do another kickstarter with these and other sky-based printablok kits. Be sure you’re on the mailing list to be notified about that.