Halot One Review Video

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You may have noticed my Halot One is a bit… grubby. Chalk that up to my lack of experience with the technology. Some of it, like the schmutz on the cover, I think came from some over enthusiastic peeling form the film. But, most of it came with the FEP sprung a lead and ended up leaking resin all over my printer and everywhere. What a mess! I swear I’m still finding uncured gray resin leaking out of places it shouldn’t on this printer.

But, resin printing is messy. If you’re not up for that, then resin printing isn’t for you.

I would like to draw your attention to the latest Electroblok project posted on Prusaprinters. I’ve been playing with the Tinkerkit Braccio Robot Arm from Arduino. It’s a lot of… potential fun. however, out of the box it lacks an interactive interface. You can program it to go through certain motions, sure. But I wanted to have a way to control it with a joystick. So that’s what I did. Of course I put the whole thing in Electrobloks, which I’m finding is a good in-between for prototyping and finished projects. Now, I can control the arm, program it to do specific moves, or I can put it in an idle mode where it will just randomly pose. Oh, and I put googly eyes on it. And you can to with the code I posted on Prusa Printers.