Coloring filament with Markers

Way back in the day (like, maybe 2 years ago) when filament color selection was scarce 3D printers would color their filament with a marker on the incoming filament. Clever contraptions were constructed to color the filament sufficently. Since I’ve had a hard time finding a semi-transparent purple PLA filament for a project Idea I have I decided to try this technique of old myself.

I used the Mega Felt Marker Topper by RyGuy which didn’t hold the Sharpie markers I bought very well.

On the left is a clear pawn for reference. This time I used the knight from the archichess01 set by clayantor, scaled down as usual. In the middle is the first attempt with the markers falling out a lot and me not noticing. Slight purple tint. On the right is one where I tried my best to keep those sharpies in place and the result is promising. I think I’ll be able to use this technique for my Lantern Corp ring project, But next time I may use a different marker holder.