Thingiverse leak, Thangs answers, and Prusa Printers

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It took me dozens of takes over 3 evenings to get this single take video done right. All because I didn’t want to edit it. But had I been willing to edit it, I probably could have recorded the talking in one session, and the web page background in another, edit them together real quick, and been done in 2 days. And I wouldn’t have had that blemish on my lip that developed the day of my final recording where I got everything right. C’est le vie.

I actually made 2 thumbnails for this one, and I’m not sure which one will result in more views, but I’m gonna play the game this time and see what happens. Will the Thingiverse golden showers win out over the Thangs Skullbot? We’ll see.

I’m probably not going to draw Thang’s attention to this video, but now that I have it out, maybe I’ll take them up on some of those sponsored giveaways. Just in time for Christmas.

So, what do you think of my tie? I had it tied embarrassingly high so you could see the pattern on it, but I just had to show it off. My mother is an artist with an embroidery machine and I asked if she’d be up to the challenge of making me some custom ties. So I sent her some designs, some of which I reduced down to 6 colors, and she did an amazing job. Seriously, click on that image, zoom in, and just admire the stitching.

expect most people will recognize where at least 3 of them come from, but the other two are deep cuts for my own amusement. But if you do know them, we can definitely hang.

I was just now watching the video and for some reason the color correction on my face kept flipping off and on at points. Wow, that’s annoying. Sorry about that.