What does “Safety First” Mean? Video

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I think I want a poster that says “Learn, Look, Be Aware”. Maybe I should make one with the laser cutter.

The seed for this video was the fact that I got the AtomStack A5 pro at about the same time that Twitter was voicing strong opinions about open frame laser cutters and the perceived danger of them. So I wanted to make a video presenting the idea of “Learn, Look, and Be Aware” as it relates to Safety First. And if I didn’t have to play the thumbnail game on YouTube, “Learn, Look, and Be Aware” would be on the thumbnail.

The Halot One shows up in this video because Creality sent it to me and asked me to do a video on it. I’m currently testing it, so it went into the video. I’ve used resin printers before, but never with much success, but the Halot One I’ve actually been getting good results out of. I’ll be making another video about it soon.

The Prusa, I think, is interesting. I chose the Prusa for this video, not because I particularly like or wanted to promote the Prusa. I don’t hate it. It’s good. But you know I have preference for recommending other 3D printers over it. But, in this video, I wanted, not so much a specific FFF 3D printer, but the icon of FFF 3D printing, and what 3D printer is more iconic than Prusa? I almost feel like having a Prusa if you’re a public figure in 3D printing is like having a copy of “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin on your shelf if you’re a scientist, even though you’ve maybe never actually read it.

These videos are coming out out-of-order from how I’m making them. My kids had a 5 day weekend, so I had basically a week without needing to help anyone with homework, consequently I had a chance to get ahead on my video schedule a little bit. But there were videos that I felt were of a higher priority due to the timely nature of the content (Kickstarters) so I rushed them out while I sat on these. So, if you’re reading this when the video went out, just know that you could have been watching this video 2 weeks earlier if you had been reading my blog.

Just sayin’.