Kingroon KP3S Review Video

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Since doing the 2021 3D Printer Tier list, the S tier has shifted twice. That’s kind of amazing, and speaks to the absolutely amazing pace of 3D printer development. Yes, there’s a bunch of crap going out, but the stuff that does well is excelling.

Electrobloks are coming. This project is taking all my spare cycles and turning them into more and more components for making cool stuff with. I’m turning my focus to release, which means making easy-to-print plates of components that will mate with existing common electronics kits, which means I’ve spent quite a bit lately on electronics kits. Thank you to all my Patreon and Kickstarter backers who made that possible.

Release is also going to involve a video series, and documentation. So much documentation. But when this is done, I’m looking forward to seeing some awesome Electroblok projects coming from this.