2021 Ultimate 3D Printer Tier List Video

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In a lot of ways I feel this largely justifies the grading rubric. There were very few over all surprises on this list. I certainly didn’t feel good about where everything landed, but when taking a critical look at the printers, it was the right place for everything in the end.

It occurred to me when I was uploading this video that I didn’t have affiliate links for some of these top printers. Fortunately, most of them are for sale, as well, on Amazon, but I really recommend buying directly from the manufacturer with both S-Tier 3D printers, because you get a better deal, usually. In the youtube space, affiliate links are kind of a problem, because they create incentive to promote printers that give the reviewers kickbacks. I hope this sets the record straight on my position concerning that.

I tried a different recording setup for this video, and it suffered because of it. First of all, I used my phone to record the video. However, I’ve got a phone that’s a few years old, so the front facing camera is not has high resolution as the back facing camera, and which one do you think I used? Also, the front facing camera, for some reason, decided it needed to do the focus jog every time I moved my hands, and I talk a lot with my hands. I’ll know better for next time.

Then there was the sound. Most of the sound you’re hearing was not recorded on the blue USB mic you’re seeing there. That was the secondary mic. The Tascam shotgun mic I had sitting over the phone did a better job, until the A/C came on in my room, in which case I had to switch to the more tinny USB mic. This is why you always have a backup mic, but I worry that it ruined the video.

I can only hope that the progressive type of content will drive engagement despite the technical problems. Because I don’t think I can get another take that good.