Finding the Perfect 3D Printer

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Here’s the detailed Rubric, and the questions that I use to grade my 3D printers:

Category 0 1 2 3
Material Variety Doesn’t seem to take any materials Basically only good for a single material type Some features to allow for different materials (IE capable of high temps) (common answer) Additional features to allow for a wide variety materials (IE enclosures, heaters, very high temp nozzles, novel feed mechanisms, etc)
Concurrent materials
(-0.5 if the result is “fiddly”, +1 if can mix materials)
Capable of only single material at a time without manual effort or external resources (common answer) Capable of 2 materials (dual material) Capable of up to 4 materials Capable of multi-material and material mixing
Unique Features No unique features (common answer) Has features that advance the technology. Things like discrete coloration, routing, or something new.
Speed Unable to print without loss of detail if speed is not considerably dialed down. Prints take an unreasonable amount of time. Prints take a reasonable amount of time, considering the model Faster than you’d expect
Hackability Totally proprietary One of the following: Built from common parts, designs and firmware are available, company embraces open source. (Default answer) Two of the following: Built from common parts, designs and firmware are available, company embraces open source Common parts, designs and firmware are available, company embraces open source
Accuracy Inaccurate. Can’t even print a circle. A 20mm cube with a 10mm hole in the middle is within .1mm (default answer) A 20mm cube with a 10mm hole in the middle is within .01mm Can print legos studs that work.


Ease of Use
Category 0 1 2 3
Assembly Considerable Assembly Required Simple Assembly Required (For instance, just a few bolts) (common answer) Little to no assembly Required (Simply unbox and use)
Room Presence (-0.5 for noisy, -0.5 for known safety issues) Large and requires special consideration Large or requires special consideration Reasonable but unobtrusive (common answer) Small and unobtrusive
First Time User Experience Requires additional knowledge and/or materials not included “in the box” to provide a successful experience. Has all the equipment necessary or well laid out instructions but no material for a successful experience. Has all the equipment and well laid out instructions for a successful first time experience
User Interface Confusing User Interface, many steps required to use every time. (IE Bare Marlin) Streamlined User Interface. Perhaps many steps, but a clear path. Takes advantage of technology to streamline the process considerably (For instance, Wifi file delivery or super simplified UI that just works.)
Common Tasks Common tasks like changing material, hardware configuration (bed leveling, etc), or loading prints require a significant learning curve, written direction, and manual effort Common tasks are partially automated, but still require some manual effort on your part Common tasks are practically automated
Reliability Requires significant human interaction to catch the frequent problems that arise Some error catching and recovery or is built reliably so that errors don’t occur. (default answer) Prints reliably well and catches errors and recovers gracefully
OEM Support Manufacturer is unresponsive, provides no information, and it is likely to break 1 of the following: Manufacturer is responsive, manufacturer provides good documentation, or it is well built and rarely requires repair (default answer) 2 of the following: Manufacturer is responsive, manufacturer provides good documentation, or it is well built and rarely requires repair Manufacturer is responsive, provides good documentation, and it is well built and rarely requires repair
Community Support No one else seems to be using this machine Small, unresponsive community Large community or easy to find support, possibly due to common design that is easy to repair (default answer)

As for price, I do show the curve in the video, but here is is again:

Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Price $0 $100 $200 $400 $600 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000,000

It’s not a mathematically perfect curve, and I thought about that for a long time, but it is a curve that, I feel, reflects the expectations of the market well.

Of course, for all of this, I’m open to criticism and new ideas, so feel free to hit me up with your suggestions!

I don’t often use a still from the video as my thumbnail. But when I do, it’s perfection!

Astute viewers may notice that my hair is longer in this video than the last one. That’s because this video was recorded before the last one, but after recording it I realized it was time to do March MadMess, finally, but that I needed an additional video to explain that. So I put this video on hold, recorded and edited that one, and then came back to this one. And it’s a good thing, too, because the next video has required some considerable setup, and I can’t wait to show it to you.