Toybox Review Reupload Plus

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It’s crazy to think that the first upload of this video was before the PrintABlok:Beasts kickstarter, and we are now living in a post PrintABlok:Beasts world. I guess, really, there hasn’t been that much time passed, but for me it feels like a world of time has passed.

This reupload was mostly motivated because when I told my children about how I got a copyright strike for doing what essentially amounts to parody, protected under copyright law but not protected by YouTube’s copyright strike system, they offered to do a new version of the song themselves, and this is the result. This also gave me the chance to go through the original video and recut the video a little, as well as adding a few thoughts about the long term feelings about the machine.

I think it’s time to talk about March MadMess. Chances are no one but me noticed that March came and went this year without a March MadMess series of videos. At least I didn’t hear a huge outcry of “Where’s March MadMess this year”, and yet I feel I need to explain what happened a bit.

It would be easy to call March MadMess 2021 a casualty of Covid. Maybe it was, but not for any emotional reason. See, in March I had a stack of 3D printers to review. That was due to the fact, I think, that many people on lock down decided to pick up a new hobby and 3D printer companies found themselves stack of cash that they wanted to keep coming in. So YouTubers like me ended up with 3D printers stacking up like cord wood. And it felt weird to me to talk about 3D printers I was using without at least giving these 3D printers they were sending me a chance.

I was also reevaluating my 3D printing comparison system, which I’ll be telling you more about soon. But this, too, I felt needed to mature a bit before making a series of videos about it.

Now, however, I’m at that point where I feel like I could do March MadMess… only it isn’t March any more. And I don’t want to wait till next March. August MadMess just doesn’t have the same ring. Maybe “March MadMess in August”? I guess I could do that. Either way, I think I’m going to be doing my month long re-review videos soon, so look forward to that.