Let’s talk about Thangs

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My first video back from the hiatus imposed by PrintABlok and it’s… a lazy one-take video in front of the computer. I actually have other videos in the works of a more edited quality, but this is the one that seemed right for getting this out. I’m afraid next weeks might be the same.

Do I even need to mention that this video is #notsponsored. Except when most people use that tag what they mean is “I want to be sponsored”, and in this case it means “I turned down the option of sponsorship because I wanted to be able to talk about it honestly.” It would take a seriously good product or service for me to be willing to give up editorial control of any part of my video. But now that I’ve got this out of my system, maybe I could accept a sponsorship from them. What would you think? If a future video showed up sponsored by Thangs, would I come off as a hypocrite?

Maybe I can give it a humorous slant.