PrintABlokLand coming soon!

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For those who missed this morning’s livestream I had the opportunity to announce some big things for PrintAblok. First up, is a 3D printing food company will be using the PrintABlok shape for their food so you can have PrintABlok food!

Imagine taking your 3D printed rice block, combining it with a 3D printed salmon block, with a little wasabi connector, for 3D printed sushi. Or 3D printed imposssible meat cube with 3D printed bread cube and condiment connectors for a 3D printed burger. Delicious! Taking the idea of a square meal to the 3rd dimension!

But that’s not even the most exciting! A major developer likes what I’m doing with PrintABlok so much, that I’m going to partner with him to make:


The worlds first 3D printed amusement park. In fact each ride will be custom 3D printed for the visitors, making this the first amusement park where the biggest concern isn’t the lines, it’s the layers.

All of this is to say… April fools. Of course.

But the rest of the stream was less frivilous, with those present helping me decide when the best launch date for the PrintABlok:Beasts kickstarter will be, so once again, you all are the wind beneath my wings and have helped shape the future of this channel. So thank you.