3D printed Komusō monk inspired meditation aid, modeled in Blender video

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This was going to be just a one-off project that I wasn’t going to share with anyone. but after this first patron asked me about this meditation aid, another one showed up at a different makerspace with something similar they were using the makerspace’s video equipment to tell people about. And that got me thinking that maybe there’s something more here than I initially thought. Maybe I can make a whole line of inexpensive meditation blow pipes for kids. I could take the PEZ approach and put just every kind of head on these things. And then, I would get food safe SLA resin and start SLA printing, because I want the production quality resolution. And when things take off, I could justify the expense of a Peopoly Phenom so I could produce whole plates of hundreds at once and, with my one little blow pipe for kids, totally disrupt the manufacturing industry! Bwahahaha!

Or maybe I’ll forget about this idea in a week. Who knows.

I decided with this video to do a little bit of a project video, with some Blender tutorial mixed in. The result is… a lot of video, actually. But this video also covered a lot. 3 different way to make a meditation pipe of your own. That’s not nothing.

This weeks video editing headaches came in the form of my screen capture still being set to downscaling my Blender screens to 720. The screen itself is 1080. So what you’re seeing is a 1080 screen, down scaled to 720, and re-upscaled to 1080. And probably downscaled again to whatever you’re watching this video on. But resolution being what it is these days, maybe not one will notice if I don’t say anyt… oh.

I also learned in this video about locking the color correction to a single frame so it doesn’t recalculate every frame and create a flicker effect when my hands dominate the frame. Because I talk with my hands a lot. Ended up getting to bed way too late to fix that problem. In fact I’m typing this in the middle of the night when I should really be getting to sleep, and I know this because I tend to start producing nothing but nonsense run on sentences atht get maor and moer errorpron euntil I vevnea;dsa sdfhhivd;a vdklsd;v,m.c./xbv />Vb,vvvvvvvvvvvbvbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz