Makers and Minecraft with David Shorey

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Barb said it best. Technical issues are kind of on brand for this experience. The stream didn’t work. The pictures were all on the wrong people. It’s a mess. But it was a fun mess where we took David and taught him to play minecraft, cleared out a mansion (mostly) and then did some minecraft banner on the Makers and Minecraft server.

Off camera David, Barb and I had a discussion about how losing makerfaires and other conventions has impacted David’s willingness to make. Without being able to show off his work, he’s found it difficult to want to keep making. I don’t think Barb and I suffer from that, but I wonder how many are. Do you find it difficult to want to make without knowing you’ll be showing it off later? How much did getting it done for maker faire drive your making?

Of course, that’s why I’m putting on Makers and Minecraft Online Festival. Make sure you’re signed up if you want to have a booth, otherwise, on August 28th we’ll see what everyone has made.