Using PrintABlok to Make a Mech Video

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As PrintABlok enters it final days on kickstarter, and I look back on the progress it’s made these past 30 days, i am astonished at how far it’s come.  And a lot of that can be seen in the mech I used in the logo. It was one base block and a few accessories. And now at the end the same type of mech has a much more complicated set of base parts, an articulated swivel waste, and just over all a cooler design.

I’ve been thinking that there’s power in holding on to something and working on it for a period of time, and oddly, that’s exactly what the kickstarter platform allows for with this sort of thing. There’s a motivation to work on it and an impetus to not release it. Without the kickstarter I probably would have released what I had at the start, looked at it’s “potential” longingly, and never gotten around to doing anything with it. But with Kickstarter, I cleared my calendar, made time for the project, and properly developed it. This project would not have been the same without kickstarter.

And now, here we are, a library of over 100 parts with interesting base parts, articulation, and decorative elements. PrintABlok has become something I can be proud of. And I am.

But it’s not over yet. There are still a few days to get in and pledge your support if you haven’t already. And if you’re reading this from the future after the kickstarter, there’ll be a listing in the shop for what you missed, and maybe more. And, hey, future person, I envy your self-driving cars.