PrintABlok Kickstarter Video

Watch on YouTube

…and turn on subtitles for some Easter eggs.

3 Days to the Kickstarter launch.

Normally I bang out a video in a couple of hours.Depending on the complexity, I can produce about 10 minutes of medium quality video in 2 hours. This video, a little under 3 minutes long, took close to 8 hours at least. 2 hours filming with my boys, an hour filming me, and 5 hours to edit it. And I could have spent even longer on it. The primary audio on my boys had problems so I had to scrap it, and it shows. And the editing could use a little tightening up. But, despite this, I’m pretty proud of the whole thing and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I think it tells the story I wanted to tell, and it gives you something to go back and watch again.

Remember to join me Monday Morning on Youtube to launch the kickstarter.