The East Coast RepRap Festival 2019 – The Selfies

I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of ERRF… in Bel Air. Maryland.

That got away from me.

Man, oh, man. I have just gotten back from an amazing day meeting amazing people and seeing amazing things. I don’t know if I can process all of it right now. But I want to share with you a little about it.

One thing I made sure to do at this event was snap selfies. Selfies with people I admire, sure, but also selfies with people who wanted to say “hi” to me. Why? Because it’s all about you. RepRap and 3D printing isn’t about a few individuals who do amazing things. It’s every one of us who makes 3D printing what it is. Some of you I’ve met before, some I’ve known online for years and finally met, and some of you this was our first time meeting. So this is to you. All of you. Because you’re awesome.

And my mouth is agape in almost every single one of them. Sheesh.