Children’s Hospital Christmas Tree 2019

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The Festival of Trees in Utah will be December 4th through 7th, and just like last year, I plan to enter a tree. But this time for real. If you’d like to get an ornaments on the tree for the Children’s Hospital Festival of Trees, mail them to:

3D Printing Professor

Joe Larson
P.O. Box 689
Hurricane, UT 84737


I kinda hate starting this before Halloween, what with my perspective on the war on Christmas being flipped. See, I think there is a war on Christmas, but it’s Christmas who’s striking first and they’ve already claimed Thanksgiving and are now going after Halloween. And I love Halloween! I kinda like Thanksgiving, too. And I love Christmas, but in it’s time. I will celebrate the heck out of Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, but no sooner. However, this is the time to start a Christmas project like this, so here we go. I have been conscripted by the enemy.

Ah, heck, this video has 2 months of relevant play, so why not?