Prepairing for GenCon

I apologize for the folks who’s feathers were ruffled by my last post. My comments were meant purely in the context of people experiencing 3D printing from the outsize. But by those of us with 3D printers having the ability to make a custom widget to solve our problems is the most exciting part about 3D printing, and definitely not boring at all. Feedback I got also prompted me to finnaly get rid of that dark theme for the blog, which I’ve wanted to do, but I wanted to do properly. This isn’t properly, but it’s better than it was.

I have to admit, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I signed up to go to GenCon. Now that it’s looming just a few days away I’m freaking out a bit here. Last minute preparations are gong to be down to the wire to get things done on time.

There’s a jello mold monster to model and print, there are other characters to print, on top of my other customers I want to take care of before I leave. It’s starting to feel a little stressful.

I am really proud of how the troll turned out. Internally it’s full of bad weight painting and resultant bad geometry, but once I cleaned that up the final result looks great. If I had it to do over again I would be able to get it right. At least I can call it a learning experience and the final result doesn’t look too bad.

At GenCon BoardCraft will be running 24 hours a day. I don’t know which of those 24 hours will be mine, but I’ll attempt to take some pictures and post them here. And if you happen to be in the area let me know and I’ll happily try to catch you.