TARDIS Run featured in Make Magazine

Make Magazine’s annual 3D printing showdown is out now. This is the issue I mentioned in my Buying Guide video. I didn’t realize at the time it was so soon. Have to get my copy.

With their emphasis on 3D printing this month they wrote a guide for 3D printing projects around the home, starting with the game room. And right smack in the middle of the first list in my game, TARDIS Run. Already one person has followed the links to my etsy store and ordered one, which I should be more excited about, but in truth it’s a lot of little prints to make it work and for a game that’s not so fun. I kinda wish I was ready to offer people Squirrel Squabble, its a much more fun game, but then again it’s not ripping off a hyper popular IP.

Hmm, Archon the board game? I love it. I think it needs a skill aspect for combat.