Download the birdcage chess set FTW

And here I thought I wouldn’t have anything to write about.

I’ve entered my birdcage chess set and functional small engine pull handle replacement into MyMiniFactory’s support free 3D printing competition and if I may say so my birdcage chess set totally deserves to win this one because more than any other entry this one doesn’t look like it should print without supports. But it does. Because I am a master of overhang and bridging.

But I need your help to win. Here’s what you do:

  1. Click this link.
  2. Click the “Free Download” button.
  3. Enter your e-mail address and in a few minutes you’ll get an e-mail with a download link.
  4. Like the design before you go.
  5. Download the model from the e-mail.
  6. Then do the same with this link.
After that you can delete it or whatever you want to do. The only thing that counts is downloads. (Downloads from the same IP e-mail address don’t count.)
The download/vote period is until the 14th. Thanks for all your help.